Timber Decay & Infestation

Timber floor boards after being under sustained dampness affected by Wet Rot. Unseen to the client before removal.

Timber floor boards after being under sustained dampness affected by Wet Rot. Unseen to the client before removal.
On discovery of timber rot in a property it is imperative that the correct type of timber rot is determined in order for the correct remedial treatment to be carried out. Mis-diagnosis can not only bea costly mistake but it can also create unecessesary distruption for the homeowner and can be a stressful experience. Our expert surveyors are able to investigate using both invasive and non-invasive methods in order to determine the type of timber rot that has developed in a property.
Identifying Timber Rot
Timber Rot usually is the result of sustained periods of dampness in properties containing high humidity conditions. Timber Rot problems can present themselves in a number of ways including the following:
*Visible signs of timber decay such as brittle timbers.
* Musty mushroom type smells in surrounding air.
* Cube like cracks in timbers.
* White or red fruiting bodies emerging on the surface of timbers.
* Cotton wool type moulds on timber surfaces.
* Brown marble like strands (mycelium) transisting from timbers to masonry.
* Undulation in structural timbers such as floor joists.
* Insect infestation and destruction (woodlice, wood boring insects, silverfish)
Wet Rot (Coniophora Puteana)
Wet Rot is the least serious of timber rot problems. However left untreated it can lead to further problems such as dry rot or insect infestation such as wood boring beetles. Causes of Wet Rot can sometimes be caused by one of the following reasons:
* Untreated timbers in contact with moisture for sustained periods of time possibly due to dampness.
* Timbers in contact with damp masonry such as unprotected joist ends.
* Water and plumbing leaks.
* Roof and flashing leaks.
* Blocked sub floor ventilation.
* Spongy timbers
* High humidty levels in cellars and basements.
For further reading on wet rot visit our wet rot information source.
Dry Rot (Serpula Lacrymans)
Dry Rot is the most serious of timber rot problems and can cause major structural damage to the timbers of an infected property in a very short period of time. Once the timbers of a property are affected by dry rot the problem enters a cycle of destruction re-infecting the property continuously until eradicated. In older times dry rot was known as 'the tears of the serpent' due to the water droplets that can be seen during infestaion. Causes of Dry Rot can sometimes be caused by one of the following reasons:
* Blocked ventilation to sub floor timbers.
* Sustained high humidity conditions.
* Sustained periods of dampness to timbers.
* Moisture content within buildings between 20-40%
For further reading on dry rot visit our dry rot information source.
If you feel you have a Timber Rot problem in your property and reqire a professional no nonsense, no obligation diagnosis
Call us today on 0161-706-0555 for a free no obligation estimate.
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